Lark Mik'kel


Now, are there any other horrors you wish to subject me to, or is your electronic butchery done?

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Lark Mik'kel, originally known as Rowan Mik'kel and sometimes going by Lark Set, was a Force-sensitive human who was a Jedi Padawan of the Galactic Republic. Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Jedi Grand Master Yoda assigned the young Mik'kel to be the Padawan learner of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

After the Galactic Empire came to power, Mik'kel went into hiding alongside Kenobi on Tatooine. It wasn't long, however, until Mik'kel decided to join Senator Bail Organa's growing rebel movement.


Early Life

In 36 BBY, Mik'kel was born on the planet Genetia. They were very young when they were taken to the Jedi temple so they knew nothing of their biological family.

When Mik'kel was discovered to be Force-sensitive, they were taken from their homeworld to the Jedi Temple on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi. In the Jedi crèche, they were placed in a clan with other Jedi younglings, including Ahsoka Tano.

In the midst of galactic war

Becoming Kenobi's Padawan

"I’m Ahsoka, and this is Rowan. We’re the new Padawan learners."
―Ahsoka Tano

At the age of fourteen, mere months after the First Battle of Geonosis and the beginning of the Clone Wars, Mik'kel was assigned to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to learn the ways of the Force as his apprentice on the orders of Yoda. Their training had been accelerated due to the galactic conflict that overshadowed their apprenticeship. Having been granted the rank of Padawan, they were made a Jedi Commander under the Jedi Military Integration Act.

The Jedi Council finally sent Mik'kel on their first mission to the planet Christophsis alongside Ahsoka Tano in order to meet their new mentors and inform them that they were needed back at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. However, after arriving on the planet moments after a wave of Separatist forces pulled back and giving that message to the two, she learned that the Republic had in fact failed to take the planet as the Jedi on Coruscant had believed, leaving the generals and their forces trapped and outnumbered as the battle dragged on.

Liberation of Christophsis

In order to delay the droids, Kenobi offered himself and Mik'kel up in defeat to Separatist General Whorm Loathsom, claiming that there were terms of surrender to discuss. After Kenobi spent an extended period of time stalling by delaying to set terms of surrender or offer a flag of truce during which he and Mik'kel were held at blasterpoint, Skywalker and Tano destroyed the shield using explosive charges. Their refusal to stand down their forces angered and distracted Loathsom who had Mik'kel and Kenobi seized and threatened to destroy them. On the destruction of the shield, Kenobi freed himself and was able to quickly restrain the Separatist general as Republic reinforcements arrived on the planet. Upon landing in a gunship before Mik'kel Kenobi, Yoda greeted the Jedi to begin telling them of Rotta's capture.

Teth and Tatooine

After greeting Yoda on Christophsis, Mik'kel and Kenobi then made their way to Tatooine to negotiate with Jabba. The Jedi promised that Republic forces would successfully rescue his son, and listened to the Hutt's additional terms about capturing the kidnapper of his son, dead or alive. Mik'kel and Kenobi then informed Skywalker that he had one planetary rotation to return Rotta. After Skywalker and Tano rescued Rotta from Teth's B'omarr Order Monastery, Mik'kel and Kenobi arrived and fought with a fleet of fighters in Teth's atmosphere, but were unable to contact the other Jedi due to jammed transmissions.

From the skies, they noticed a battle occurring on the rooftop of a building and followed their men down to the surface to find Skywalker. Mik'kel and Kenobi found Ventress inside the monastery and fought in a brief lightsaber duel with her while Kenobi exchanged banter, to Mik'kel's disdain. Skywalker and Tano escaped the planet with Rotta during their fight, and they eventually forced Ventress to flee after Kenobi disabled one side of her lightsabers. Once the fight concluded, Mik'kel Kenobi contacted Skywalker and informed him that they would come to Tatooine to help as soon as Teth's situation settled. After Skywalker and Tano successfully returned Rotta to Jabba and cleared their name from the framing schemes of the Hutt Ziro and Dooku; Mik'kel, Kenobi, and Yoda met Skywalker and Tano on Tatooine to negotiate a treaty with the crime lord.

The Malevolence

Further adventures and lessons

Rise of the Empire

Anakin's fall

Intending to infiltrate the building to shut off the Jedi recall beacon, Mik'kel, Kenobi, and Yoda made their way to the still-smoking Jedi Temple, where they found clones were wearing Jedi robes in an attempt to trick Jedi survivors into a false sense of secruity. The three Jedi fought the 501st patrols outside and entered, finding the aftermath of a slaughter that distressed them even more than the smoke and robe-wearing clones.

Desperate for answers and despite Yoda's warning that they would only find pain, Mik'kel and Kenobi checked the security recordings to find that Skywalker had led his battalion of clones to attack the Temple, where he fought the Jedi & their Younglings and knelt to the newly-proclaimed Emperor, who was proud of his apprentice, now going by a new name—"Vader." Though they were horrified, Yoda determined that they had to destroy the Sith.

After that, Mik'kel and Kenobi visited Senator Amidala, thinking she might know of Vader's location. They revealed what they'd discovered about Skywalker's betrayal of the Jedi and how the Clone Wars had been a lie orchestrated by Palpatine. Amidala harshly denounced their accusations, believing that Obi-Wan intended to kill Anakin if she revealed where he'd gone. Correctly deducing that Anakin was the father of Amidala's child, knowing that the two had been together all that time, he apologized for everything wish he'd been supportive to them both and what he has no choice what he must do, as he left her apartment.

Unbeknownst to Amidala, Mik'kel and Kenobi stowed away in her star skiff, just as she and C-3PO departed for the Mustafar system to meet with Vader, who had already killed the Separatist leaders taking refuge there. Hiding in one of the compartments, Kenobi made Mik'kel promise to stay hidden as he revealed himself to Vader.

Birth of the Skywalker twins

Just as the Emperor rescued Vader from the lava beach and gave him prosthetic limbs and the life-support suit, Mik'kel, Kenobi, C-3PO, and R2-D2 took Amidala to Polis Massa. There, they, along with Bail Organa and Yoda, were informed that the dying Amidala was carrying twins. Kenobi and Mik'kel were in the birthing room with Amidala as she gave birth to her two children, Luke and Leia. As she took her final breath, Amidala told them she knew there was still good in Skywalker.

After arriving on Naboo so that Amidala's funeral arrangements could be made, Yoda suggested that the children should be kept hidden and separated until the time was right: Organa would adopt Leia and take her to Alderaan as he and his wife, Queen Breha, had always talked about adopting a baby girl and promised that Leia would be loved. Kenobi volunteered for he and Mik'kel to take Luke to Tatooine where the boy would live with Skywalker's step family, Owen and Beru Lars.

Hiding on Tatooine

Upon arriving on Tatooine, Mik'kel and Kenobi purchased an eopie that Kenobi named Akkani. While the twin suns set, Mik'kel and Kenobi arrived at the Lars moisture farm to leave Luke with his uncle, Owen, and aunt, Beru. Fearing the boy would end up following his father's footsteps, Owen did not want the Jedi to see or train Luke, so he told Mik'kel and Kenobi to stay away and not speak to him, hoping that Luke would learn nothing of his father.

After leaving them with Luke, Mik'kel Kenobi left on an Akkani, heading to their exile. They found a home surrounded by Western Dune Sea. Mik'kel and Kenobi had known immediately after finding this building, which was actually a long since abandoned prospector's hut, that it would serve them well. Nonetheless, they instead set up living quarters in a cave, where they had little outside of a few necessities and keepsakes. Once settled, Kenobi cut Mik'kel's Padawan braid, declaring them a Jedi Knight, and that the fall of the Jedi Order was enough of a trial. To conceal their identities, they would both take on their past aliases of "Lark" and "Ben." They also forfeited the use of their lightsabers for years. They spent little time in the cities, and kept to themselves, spending most of their time watching over the young Skywalker. However, to avoid becoming too recognizable, Mik'kel and Kenobi worked temporary jobs, including farmhands, barbacks, custodians, mechanics, and laborers.

After about a year on Tatooine, Mik'kel grew exhausted of the monotony of the desert. They knew there were things they could do to help in the fight against the Empire and wanted to join the fight, but they worried about leaving Kenobi on his own. Once Kenobi assured Mik'kel he would be alright on his own, he helped them to get in contact with Bail Organa and join the Rebel Alliance as a medic.

Fighting for the rebellion

Tooka Crew

Shortly after joining the Rebel Alliance, while Mik'kel was in the medbay with fellow medic Maxidar Procyon, the base got invaded by the Empire and they had to evacuate. As they ran to the docking bay, they heard people shouting that Darth Vader was part of the invasion, causing Mik'kel to be shocked at the discovery that he survived Mustafar. Procyon lead Mik'kel to their crew's ship and they escaped the base. On board, they reuinited with Gray Aalyn, as well as met Sashki Scod, Marzia Mephitis, Dyllus Glimir, Macé Batt, Talarren Lotjay, and Entony Felis, who referred to themselves as the Tooka Crew.

Obsessive fan

Once they arrived to the new Rebel base, there was limited space for sleeping. Most of the Tooka Crew was able to sleep on the ship, but Mik'kel, Procyon, and Aalyn had to find space to sleep elsewhere. They ended up being assigned to a room bunk with Burr Kleb, a Pantoran with an obsession with Rowan Mik'kel. He owned numerous pieces of memorabilia, most of which Mik'kel wasn't aware were even made. The item of most concern, however, was a suggestive pillow with an image of fourteen-year-old Mik'kel on it. After a long time of complaining, Mik'kel finally had enough and slashed the pillow open when Kleb wasn't in the room, revealing that it actually contained a spy device for the Empire. Kleb was exposed to having been an Imperial spy the whole time and managed to narrowly escape being executed. Mik'kel stole one of Kleb's posters that depicted themself, Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano to hang over their own bunk. After this incident, Felis and Lotjay turned a storage room on the ship into an extra sleeping area.

Confronting Vader

On a mission with the Tooka Crew, Mik'kel ended up separated from the group. They were discovered by Frarbrurb, who finally realized who they really were. However, just before he could announce his discovery, he was cut off by a red lightsaber through the stomach, killed by Darth Vader. Without a lightsaber, Mik'kel had to rely on the force to battle Vader. He ended up grazing their face, leaving them with a wound over their eye similar to his own during the Clone Wars. Luckily, the crew soon arrived and they were able to escape with this as their only injury. Despite their battle, Mik'kel still held onto Amidala's last words that there was good somewhere within him.

Due to their wound, Procyon checked Mik'kel's eyes for damage, where they then discovered that the source of their frequent headaches was actually extremely poor vision that had never been corrected. Procyon made Mik'kel swear that as soon as they reached a city, Mik'kel would get glasses. Mik'kel's wound, paired with the style of their hair at the time, ended up reminding them too much of Skywalker. This prompted them to cut their hair and dye their bangs blue in order to distance themself from him visually.

The Queen of Naboo

With Macé Batt being a former handmaiden, the Tooka Crew was assigned to assist the ruler of Batt's homeworld of Naboo, Queen Apaté.

Battle of Endor

Personality and traits

The quiet Jedi

Lark Mik'kel was a human who had brown eyes, light skin, a medium build, and brown hair with parts dyed blue.

Due to frequent headaches, Mik'kel would often wear a blindfold and rely on the Force to know their surroundings, causing them to become very talented at sensing things in the Force and also for their face to be known to few. After taking a vision test in the Rebellion, they would learn that these headaches were caused by not having correction for their poor vision which was worsened even further by their time on Tatooine.

As a teenager, Mik'kel was cautious, shy, and a rule follower. The young Mik'kel's personality made them a perfect apprentice for Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, over time with Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, they became more reckless, impulsive, and confident.

They respected the Jedi Council despite often not understanding their advice, feeling they were almost always correct. However, when Tano was framed for murder and treason, they were horrified when the Jedi Order cast her out. When Skywalker unveiled the true culprit, Mik'kel was shocked to see it was their friend Barriss Offee. After Tano's decision to walk away from the order, Mik'kel lost faith in the Order, often sneaking away to the lower levels of Coruscant during their off time where they befriended Gray Aalyn.

Mik'kel formed a strong bond with the clones and throughout their time as serving as a commander had learned a lot from them. They respected the clones as individuals and got along with them very well. Mik'kel quickly began to enjoy their company, telling war stories with them as soon as they had any experience to speak on.

Mik'kel was a moralistic person and a firm defender of the innocent. This carried on even after the dawn of the Empire, as they joined Bail Organa's rebellion to restore liberty and democracy to the people oppressed by the Empire. During their time running from the Empire, Mik'kel continued to suffer from grief over the loss of their friends. Mik'kel was unsure about making new friends due to fear of losing more than they already did.

Relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Rowan Mik’kel, your new Padawan. It’s an honor to work with you, Master Kenobi."
"Oh, please, no need for formalities. Call me Obi-Wan."
― Lark Mik'kel and Obi-Wan Kenobi

During their time together on Tatooine, Mik'kel would come to refer to Kenobi as their older brother as a cover. They continued this sentiment when speaking of him during their time in the Rebel Alliance.

Relationship with Anakin Skywalker

Despite not being his own Padawan, Mik'kel would often train and fight with Skywalker given his closeness to Kenobi. This led to the two forming a close bond. As they grew closer over the course of the war, Mik'kel would end up picking up Tano's nickname of "Skyguy" for Skywalker, altering it over time to "Big Guy" as a play on their height difference.

Due to Mik'kel's heightened ability to sense others' emotions, they were able to deduce Skywalker and Amidala's feelings for one another. After accidentally letting it slip to him that they knew, he made them swear that they would never tell anyone, even Kenobi or Tano. Once he knew he could trust them, he confessed to them that he and Amidala were married.

During their time in the Rebel Alliance, Mik'kel would come to refer to Skywalker as their older brother, claiming through half-truths that he left their family to become an Imperial Pilot, yet despite this betrayal they can't help but care for him still.

Relationship with Ahsoka Tano

"I have confidence in Ahsoka. She can be a bit much at times but she was selected as Master Skywalker’s Padawan for a reason. She and Master Skywalker will make a great team in no time."
― Lark Mik'kel

Mik'kel would end up picking up Skywalker's nickname of "Snips" for Tano.

During their time in the Rebel Alliance, Mik'kel would come to refer to Tano as their younger sister.

Relationship with Padmé Amidala

Mik'kel would come to nickname Amidala as "Pads."

Relationship with Luke Skywalker

Mik'kel watched over Luke Skywalker for his first year or so of life, but they soon left Tatooine to join the Rebel Alliance. Years later when Skywalker would join the rebellion himself, they couldn't bring themself to interact with him, but would watch him proudly from afar. When he lost his hand in his duel with Vader, they ensured that he got the best cybernetics available.

Powers and abilities

Lightsaber abilities

Mik'kel was a very capable lightsaber duelist. They used a combination of Form III and Form V. Although Mik'kel usually only wielded one lightsaber, they also situationally, and somewhat less successfully, utilized Jar'Kai.

Force powers

Mik'kel was also skilled in use of the Force. They were adept at Force healing and concealing their feelings. They were also capable of using the Force to tame animals, improve their physical capabilities, leap around with the Force, and use telekinesis to push, levitate, and crush objects. While hiding on Tatooine with Kenobi, he taught them to make themself and their use of the Force go completely unnoticed. They also felt when Alderaan was destroyed and so many died, as well as when Kenobi himself died not long after.

As a Genetian, Mik'kel had strong empathic abilities and were able to sense changes in mood of those around them. Due to Palpatine's clouding of the Force, their abilities were weakened significantly, causing them to believe they had something wrong with them. After Palpatine's death, they became intensely overwhelmed by the sudden intense feelings all around them.

Other abilities

Despite Mik'kel's dislike of piloting, they were a very capable pilot when needed.

Mik'kel was also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and marksman, having to resort to these methods of combat during their time in the Rebel Alliance in order to conceal their Force-sensitivity.



They built their first lightsaber, which had a primarily silver cylindrical hilt with black accents and a blue blade, before becoming Obi-Wan Kenobi's Padawan at the Battle of Christophsis. Both this first saber and their eventual second saber had kyber crystals from the sacred planet of Ilum. Their first saber was broken and lost sometime around the middle of the Clone Wars.

After the loss of their first saber, they built a new one which had a primarily black cylindrical hilt with silver accents and a blue blade. They decorated the pommel of this saber with numerous keychains they acquired. During the age of the Empire, they kept their lightsaber in a lockbox alongside their Padawan braid.

During their time in the Rebel Alliance, Mik'kel also ended up owning and using numerous blasters.



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